Friday, December 30, 2011

Kaizen, baby!

Referring back to my post on goals, goal setting and my 2012 goals, a friend pointed two things out to me: first, all of my goals are concentrated in the first six months of the year and second, goal #9 implies I'm content with what I accomplish within the first quarter to half of the year. Can't argue with the picture that's painted, however, that not the case. My goals for the year are "front loaded", to allow for future goals or furthering the stated goals. This also allows me to discover and implement new goals and milestones. I guess, it's fair to say, these are my goals as of now; once those goals are accomplished, I have the latitude to evaluate those accomplishments & move forward or assess whether or not it's feasible to push beyond the boundary set. Resting on my laurels is not something that I do; I'm always looking to improve, learn and grow.

Kaizen, or continuous improvement, is the singular word I would use to describe my fitness and martial arts endeavors --I hate moving backwards (unless, it paves the way to steamroll forward). I wanted to ensure that you, the reader, didn't leave with the impression that I am satisfied with accomplishing eight goals in the gym by June and coasting through the rest of the year...well, I am satisfied with that, but only in the moment.

Football fans will appreciate this analogy: Great defensive backs and quarterbacks both have one trait in common that makes them great --a short memory. Same thing applies in karate, fitness and life in general; doesn't matter if the discussion is about accomplishments or failures. It happened, move on. When you fail, forget it, get past it, learn from it and capitalize. When you do something great, good! Celebrate a little, enjoy it and get back to work on the next thing. No one cares what you did last year and neither should you.

Kaizen, baby. Live it, love it, embrace it. As you read through, I hope you pick up on that theme. Always looking to get better. The very embodiment of the phrase "Yoshukai Strong" is based in the notion of kaizen. Continuous improvement, not just through the first six months or even six years; CONTINUOUSLY!


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